(一) 土壤矿物质 固氮菌diazotroph
矿物mineral (四)土壤理化性质
石英 quartz 土壤物理性质 soil physical properties
长石 feldspar 质地texture
岩石 rock 粒组soil separate
花岗岩 granite 砂质sandy
风化(作用) weather 壤质loam
粘土clay(minerals) 粘质clay
母质parent material /subsoil 粘重heavy
苏达 soda 砾石gravel
石灰lime 土壤结构soil structure
土壤soil 团粒granular
土体solum 土壤孔隙系统soil pore system
云母 mica 孔隙度porosity
(二) 土壤有机质 土壤容重bulk density/apparent density
有机质 organic matter 土壤比重particle density
泥炭 peat 土壤湿度状况soil temperature regime
腐殖质humus 土壤通气性soil aeration
凋落物 litter 土壤水 soil water
林褥 forest floor 土壤湿度soil moisture
积累 accumulate/deposit 含水量soil moisture content
分解decomposition/decompose 水势water potential
矿化 mineralization 毛细作用capillary
(三) 土壤生物 土壤颜色soil color
土壤生物体 soil organism 蒙塞尔土壤色卡
土壤动物(区系) soil fauna Munsell Soil Color Chart
细菌 bacteria 土壤化学性质
真菌 fungi (pl of fungus) soil chemistry properties
藻类algae 氧化-还原(作用) oxidation-reduction
土壤植物(区系)soil microflora 胶体colloid
蚯蚓 earthworm 吸附 adsorption
蚁 ant 阳离子交换量
螨 mite cation exchange capacity
根际 the rhizosphere 阴离子交换anion exchange
根瘤root nodule/root tubercle 盐基饱和度salt base percentage/
菌根mycorhiza base -saturation percentage
土壤酶soil enzyme 土壤反应(pH) soil reaction(pH)
酸性acid 不完全性肥料 incomplete fertilizer
酸度acidity 厩肥stable manure(长效肥料)
碱化alkalinization 粪便excrement
碱性的alkaline(碱土) 鸟粪guano /gwa:neu/
碱度alkalinity 骨粉bone meal
(六)养分、肥料及肥力 堆(沤)制(作堆肥)compost
土壤养分 soil nutrient essential (要素) 草皮turf
必需营养元素nutrient element 草炭peat
大量元素macro-element 草木灰ash
微量元素 micro-/trace element 石灰lime
氮 nitrogen 石膏gypsum
水解氮 hydrolysable nitrogen 硝酸盐肥料nitrate
硝态氮 nitrate nitrogen 过磷酸盐肥料superphosphate
氨态氮 ammonium nitrogen 钾盐肥料kainite
磷phosphorus (七)土壤发生与分布分类
有效磷available phosphorus 风化作用weathering
钾potassium 土壤发育(发生)
钙calcium pedogenesis/soil development/genesis/formation
镁magnesium 土壤发生因素factor of soil development
硫sulphur 土壤发育过程processes of
铁iron 淋溶(作用)leaching/eluviation
铝aluminium 沉积 deposit
锰 manganese 淀积illuviate(soil 专用)
土壤养分供应soil nutrient supply 沉淀(沉降)precipitation
土壤肥力soil fertility (水)饱和saturate
肥料fertilizer or manure 还原(条件)reduction or reducing condition
施肥 fertilization or manure 潜育 gleys
吸收absorption or uptake 好气条件aerobics(pl) (condition)
空中施肥(飞机)aerial fertilization 累积accumulation
叶面施肥foliar fertilization 富集(积)enrichment/concentration
缺乏deficiency 锈斑 mottling
缺氮 nitrogen deficiency 杂色的、斑驳的mottled
缺钾 potassium deficiency 过滤percolate
肥料(施肥)效果response to /effect of fertilizer 土壤剖面soil profile
土壤植物诊断soil and plant diagnosis 剖面发育profile development
可见症状visual symptom 发生层horizon(layer)
化肥fertilizer 有机质层organic layer
完全性肥料complete fertilizer 腐殖质层humus layer
绿肥(作物)green-mature crops 矿质土层mineral horizon
A、B、C层A、B、C horizon 土地经营land management
淋溶层eluvial horizon 地力分级land classification
淀积层illuvial horizon 立地 site
潜育层gleying horizon 立地指数site index
土壤分布soil distribution 深翻ripping
地带性土壤zonal soils 松土`scarifying /ai/
非地带性土壤(在内)intrazonal soil 土壤改良soil reclamation/improvement
土壤带soil stripes /ai/ 土壤保持soil conservation
土壤复域soil complex 荒地virgin land
土壤分类soil classification 开荒reclamation
土壤分类系统soil taxonomy/k`sc/ or system工程防治(水保)mechanical control
诊断层diagnostic horizon 生物防治(水保)biological control
分类单元categories 沟渠clinch
土纲 soil order (九)地质地貌
土类 great group 风化残渣residue n.
亚类 group (subgroup) 残积土residual soil
淋溶土 Alfisols 底土subsoil
旱成土 Aridisols 沉积物 deposit sediment
新成土Entisols 冲积物alluvial material
有机土Histosols 冲积砂fluvial sand
始成土Inceptisols 冲积土 alluvial soil
软土 Mollisols 冰川glacier
氧化土 Oxisols 冻土glacial soil
灰土(灰壤)Spodosols 松散岩石(母质)unconsolidated rocks
老成土Ultsols 非破碎岩石uncrambled rocks
变性土Vertisols 山脉mountain range
暗棕壤Dark Brown Forest Soil 山脊(山岭)mountain ridge
草甸土Meadow soil 坡地slope
沼泽土Bog soil 坡度falling gradient /ei/
石质土Lithosol soil 陡 steep 缓gentle
(八)土壤管理 分水岭water shed
耕作cultivate or tillage 谷地valley
灌溉irrigation 盆地basin
排水drain (n、-age) 洼地low land or depression or loblolly
放牧pasture 平原plain 泥坑
集约(精耕)intensive 平地flat land
肥力保持maintain soil fertility 沙丘 dune /ju:/
轮作crop rotation 漫滩(泛湿地)floor plain
排污waste discharge 山洪torrent
沼泽(泥沼)marsh/swamp/bog 污水净化sewage purification
人为搅动土disturbed soil 烂泥sludges
(十)土壤环境学问题 (化学)组成composition
旱化drought or xeric 微生物转化microbiological transformation
水淹flood or overflow 中毒水平toxic level
侵蚀erosion 农药污染pesticide pollution
可蚀性 erodibility 杀虫剂pesticide
生荒的virgin 杀菌剂 细菌bactericide 真菌 fungicide
精耕的(集约)intensive 除草剂herbicide
开垦reclamation 残留residue
土壤改良soil improvement or amelioration/I:/
or amendment 降解、净化degradation v. -de
硬化(板结)compact 富营养化eutrophia
水利water conservancy 生物富集biotic-enrichment/beneficiation
水土保持soil and water conservation 放射性物质(废物)radioactive wastes
废气discharge or effluent gas
废水sewage/effluent/waste water
土壤污染soil pollution /contamination废渣fag end/waste slag/industrial sediment or waste
重金属heavy metal 工业三废three industrial waste
元素element 环境保护environmental protection
环境背景值(本底值)background levels环境监测environmental monitoring
汞mercury 环境危害environmental hazard
镉cadmium 环境标准 ---- standard/criteria(评价)
铅lead 环境评价--- criticize/assayment/evaluate
污水 下水道sewage ;工业effluents 污水净化sewage purification
污灌sewage farm 污染生物指数boitic index of pollution
二氧化硫sulfur dioxide/dai`eksaid/ (十一)土壤分析常用词
酸雨acid rain /precipitation 消化 digestion
大气沉降atmospheric deposition(fallout)稀释 dilution
环境污染物environmental pollutant 萃取 extraction
危害(危险)hazard 萃取剂extractant(剂)extract(物)
剧毒highly toxic 渗透 osmosis
毒害、毒物poison 渗漏 percolation
浓缩、富集enrichment/concentrate 扩散diffusion
工业废物(残渣)industrial sediment 过滤filter
废物处理waste disposal 分析analysis 测定determination 有机-无机复合物organic and inorganic compound or complex
原子吸收光谱 atomic absorption spectrometry
分光计 spectrometer
光谱 spectrum
磷酸铵ammonium phosphate
氨 ammonia
基肥 base manure
追肥top application or dressing
随机区组randomized blocks
腐熟 well-composted
堆腐compost .
改土材料兼肥料soil improving materials and concurrently fertilizer(同时发生的)